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Kouji and His Forms
Name: Kouji Minamoto
Ancient Digimon: AncientGarurumon
Description: This cool 5th grader is a bit of a lone wolf. His father's circumstances have caused him to change schools many times, and because of this he's not very good at making friends. But when his friends are in a pinch, he'll rush to help them without even thinking of the danger he's putting himself in! He got to the Digital World through a different path than Takuya.
Name: Wolfmon
Level: Hybrid
Evolves Using: Spirit of Light (H)
Attacks: Licht Seiger; Strahl
Description: A wolf Digimon. With his keen movement, he seems as if he'll release his power during close comabat!
Name: ?????
Level: ?????
Evolves Using: ?????
Attacks: ?????
Description: ?????



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