Hi! I bet DFF Fans are wondering wuts going on. Well, no worry, DFF will be accessable,
but by a different url.
Neo Degree is going to be a new neo help site, with neopian game guides,
giveaways, graphics and more!! We already have a few staff members and will be accepting more SOON.
To apply for staff, if you think you have wut it takes, e-mail us at staff@neodegree.zzn.com . Staff spots will
be limited! Welcome to Neo Degree!
Opening Countdown:
Staff Openings:
Graphic Artists
Flash animators
General Art
Script Writers
Forum Mods/Admins
If you have any other qualities please e-mail us ;) (Site updaters will not be needed, unfortunately, because of current security issues. We will see what we can do in the future!)